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Anxious? Take this Quiz to find out!

The term anxiety is commonly understood as a feeling of nervousness or worried thinking. However, there are many other symptoms of anxiety that often go unnoticed. This quiz was created to help highlight some additional areas that point to a state of anxiety in the mind and body. Below are 15 various ways that anxiety can show up, although there can be more. For each, indicate how much that problem has distressed or bothered you during the past 7 days, including today. Use the following scale for each question…

0 (never) 1 (rarely) 2 (occasionally) 3 (often) 4 (usually) 5 (always)

1. Nervousness or shakiness inside

2. Not being able to stop or control worrying

3. Difficulty relaxing

4. Feeling faint or dizzy

5. Feeling easily annoyed or irritable

6. Difficulty remembering things

7. Feeling tense or keyed up

8. Feeling fearful, as if something awful might happen

9. Nausea or upset stomach

10. Trouble falling asleep

11. Difficulty making decisions

12. Using drugs and/or alcohol to cope

13. Feeling so restless you can’t sit still

14. Discomfort with silence, alone or with others

15. Feeling overwhelmed

Add up your score for each question for a total score.


Total score 0-25 (ie. mostly 0's, 1's, and 2's): this is a sign of mild anxiety* that is within the range of normal functioning. We all experience some symptoms of anxiety from time to time, but it doesn’t interfere with your functioning.

Total score 26-40 (ie. mostly 2's and 3's): this is a sign of moderate anxiety*. This may be a sign of a stressful time in your life that your mind and body are responding to. With time, this anxiety might clear up on it’s own, but if it persists it might be helpful to reach out to your doctor or a mental health professional for support.

Total score 41-75 (ie. mostly 4's and 5's): this is a sign of severe anxiety* that falls outside of the range of normal functioning. Anxiety has likely started to interfere with your day-to-day functioning, such as your ability to be present at work, enjoy socializing with other people, or engaging in the things that matter to you. It is recommended to seek support immediately, either through your doctor and/or a mental health professional.

If you are interested in having a conversation about your results, contact me for a free consultation.

*These results are not a formal diagnosis. Please consult your doctor or mental health professional for more information.

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